Saturday, January 5, 2013

Learn To Soloing in Dota - Try it!

As you are probably aware by now, there are three lanes in DotA and your team has five heroes to split between them. This can mean only one thing: someone on the team has to be on their own and solo a lane. Proper soloing techniques are very important and skills that any aspiring player should attempt to master.

Note: If you haven't read the article on the fundamentals of Lane Control, go give it a read before continuing. This article builds upon many of those concepts.

Heroes that Solo
There are two fundamental classes of heroes that tend to solo, for two very different reasons:

Those that need a quick boost in levels
Heroes with powerful nukes often make great solos, because having all of a lane's experience for themselves makes them level more quickly than the rest of the heroes on the map. This means that their nukes are more powerful, more quickly, which puts them in an excellent position to gank all around the map and apply lots of pressure to the enemy team with their superior firepower. These heroes tend to solo the middle lane, as it gives them easy access to the runes and also a short distance to travel for ganking either of the other lanes. Some examples of these heroes would be Tinker, Shadowfiend, Priestess of the Moon, and Zeus.

Those that need to farm
Heroes with weak earlygames due to lack of nukes, but strong lategames due to multiple combat-related abilities also often solo. They benefit immensely from not having to split experience with an ally or fight with that ally for the creep kills. This boost of levels and gold helps them more quickly become powerful enough to have an impact in fights. These heroes tend to solo the bottom lane on Sentinel and the top lane on Scourge, since those lanes are not only more secluded and protected, but they also have a neutral camp that they can pull. Some examples of these heroes would be Syllabear, Troll Warlord, and Visage.

Solo Middle
There are many important skills for soloing middle, which when properly put together can lead to complete dominance of the lane. Note that in one form or another, they all revolve around establishing control of the runes. The runes are extremely useful and most solos choose to take full advantage of them.

Starting Items
It's extremely important to have a Chicken if you are solo middle. Ask your allied support heroes if they will buy one and share control, but if no one is up to it, grab your own. The ability to obtain new items from the chicken is key when soloing middle, as the delay of going back to base to get them sets you too far back and allows you opponent to gain a significant advantage. From there it is wise to spend the remainder of your gold on stat items like Branches, which ever of Slippers/Mantles/Gauntlets gives your hero damage, and regen items like Tangos.

Early Positioning
For the first few creep waves, neither you nor your opponent will have strong nukes, so the majority of the combat will be done with your basic attack. You'll be attempting to get as many last hits as possible, while also getting in harassing hits on your opponent. Since ranged attacks have a chance to miss uphill, it is to your advantage to keep the creep combat up the hill on your side of the river, so that you are assured to hit all of your attacks, but your opponent is not. Also, your opponent's vision is more heavily restricted uphill, so you can take advantage of this to better time your last hits and harasses.

The Bottle
An excellent first item to head for is the Bottle. The first one to obtain a Bottle has a large advantage in the lane. They can trade hits with their opponent for a bit and then immediately pop a Bottle charge to get back up to full health. They then have a large lead in health and their opponent is forced to retreat because they can no longer afford to trade hits with them. Until that other hero has regained some health or gets the gold to get their own Bottle, they are at a significant disadvantage.

Rune Control
Once a hero has obtained a Bottle and used it to gain some control over the lane, it's highly recommended that they go find a rune. Not only does this refill their bottle, but it can also be a good opportunity to use the rune for ganking another lane and generating the team some advantage there as well. Keeping your Bottle full by recharging it with runes gives you significantly more health and mana regeneration, which lets you stay in the lane longer to trade spells and harassment with your opponent. Clearly it is important to be the one getting the runes, so while the side they spawn on is random, you can do several things to maximize your chances of getting them:
Push the wave: While usual lane control logic says that you should never push and stay as close to your tower as possible, pushing is very useful in rune wars. If you throw an AoE spell at the creep wave a bit before the rune spawn (every 2 minutes), they'll be forced back towards their tower and have a farther distance to travel to get to the runes, which gives you the edge you'll need to snag them first.
Wards: Placing a Ward on one of the ledges above the rune spots will tell you which side it spawned at. If you don't see it on the side you warded, it must be at the other side!
Look at top rune: The top rune is much closer to middle lane than the bottom one, don't forget that you only have to walk up a short distance to see if it is there or not.

If You're Losing
You're not going to win every lane you solo. Things can certainly go wrong, so whether you were outfarmed and got a slow Bottle, your opponent got a few runes in a row, or you just got ganked repeatedly, there are a few things you can do to salvage the situation:
Call in ganks: This may seem obvious, but don't be afraid to ask for help. A timely kill on your opponent can give you enough time to rebound, or just keeping an ally in the area for a while can stop an overfarmed opponent from harassing you as badly.
Go for bottom rune: The bottom rune spot is generally less desirable, as it is farther away from middle lane, but as such it is also safer. If you're losing the lane, head for it about ten seconds before the rune spawns, half of the time it will be there for you. Your opponent will get it half the time at top, but you couldn't have fought them for it anyways, so at least you have a 50% chance of getting a rune that can put you back in the game.
Use the crow to refill: Don't forget that you can always bring a courier out to grab your Bottle, bring it back to the fountain, and then return it to you filled. Make sure to use a crow for this, as it takes too long with the basic Chicken. It can be a lifesaving trick if you just can't gain any control over the runes, giving you a reliable stream of health and mana. It's actually not a bad trick to use even if you aren't losing the lane, more Bottle charges are always good!
Change lanes: This is usually the worst solution, since the person you'll be switching with won't have soloed and will probably have no more items or levels than you do. However, sometimes there will be another player on your team with a hero that nicely counters the opponent in middle. If it doesn't seem like you have a chance of winning the lane, it can't hurt to ask if someone wants to take it instead.

Be Alert
While middle has the most freedom to go gank other lanes, don't forget that it goes both ways. All of the other lanes also have plentiful opportunities to come gank you. A hero farming in middle is open to ganks from nearly every direction, often from uphill and out of the fog. It's very important to pay strict attention to the missing calls from your allies. Not only can any gank kill easily kill you, but you are not the only hero that wants runes. Going for a rune at low health, hoping for a refill of your Bottle, and running into an enemy can be disasterous. While it may seem like middle lane can be just a battle of yourself and the opposing solo, never forget that there are eight other players on the map. Learning to be aware of where they are at all times will pay off heavily.

Keep up the Pressure
The most important thing to remember about soloing middle is to maintain constant pressure on your opponent. If you are in the lane against them, don't get absorbed in simply farming, constantly look for openings to hit them with a few harassing hits or a nuke. If you go off to gank a side lane, don't spend too much time there, or else your opponent will simply freefarm middle while you are gone. Try to minimize the time that you spend out of the lane, don't forget that you can teleport back middle from your base as well as the side lane shops.

Solo Side Lane
Soloing a side lane is incredibly simple compared to soloing middle lane. Since the side lanes are too far away from the runes to get them conveniently and reliably, there's no need to get wrapped up in a Bottle war of attrition. You'll simply be trying to stay alive and farm, using conventional regeneration items like Flasks and Tangos. Try to keep the creep wave as close to your tower as possible, don't forget that you can creep pull to bring the creeps back towards it. If you don't remember how to creep pull, you can find instructions in our Jungling Guide. While this isn't to say that you need to be completely passive, by all means try to pick up some kills if you can, but keep in mind that your general goal as a solo in the side lanes is to be patient and rack up some gold and experience.

Happy soloing!

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